
Writings By admin

BOOK REVIEW - "Call of the Reed Warbler" by Charles Massy

I am sympathetic to the theme of this book. After all I too wonder whatever happened to the "Limits to Growth" movement. Forty-five years ago I bought a wheat paddock in the Mallee on which there remained only a single native pine tree. I aimed to allow Nature to regenerate the mallee woodland that had…


GALLERY IMPRESSIONS Over the years I have found that visits to Art Galleries to see world-renowned exhibitions can be fraught. But can also be uplifting! So unfortunately I have to say that a recent visit to the SA Art Gallery to see the “Colours of Impressionism” from the Musee D’Orsay in Paris fell into the…

Covid Composite - A Weighting Game

Weighed down by Wuhan wickedness claiming cleverness. God’s last laugh? Bio-virus any day. Information drip fed comprehension selected uncertainty protected. History to be written. Wuhan revelations screaming innocence. Guilty parties panting; media massaging. Wuhan suffering in their millions locked in two rooms. Homes became prisons. Covidness world order Covidness forever while fortunes made and made.…